Jelly - piracy

Ever heard off ?
In, again the Eindhovens Dagblad of to day, Wednesday 29th of September, the next message was to be read.

The sexual life of the brown frog ( Rana temporaria )up until now seemed to be relative simple: one happy male clasps himself on the back of a female and fertilize her eggs as soon as they are released in the water. But Biologist Miguel Vences and colleague from Spain an Germany studied the reproduction strategie of Brown Frogs in little lakes high up in the Pyrenees and discovered a complete new strategie of reproduction
After the the mating other males come and embrace the jumble of frogspawn and their sperm is dispersed over the eggs. By that they fertilize the eggs that stayed unfertilized at the first mating.
After the the mating other males come and embrace the jumble of frogspawn and their sperm is dispersed over the eggs. By that they fertilize the eggs that stayed unfertilized at the first mating. This This phenomenon - by the biologists called Jelly-Piracy - occurred with 84% of the inspected eggs. The strategy has certain advantages for the males and the females as well. The males have found a way to pass round their genes without a female to the offspring. The females become by Jelly-Piracy more offspring.








