Some time ago the aquarists in the Netherlands were thrown into commotion. Into the marked popped up fishes a/o. Chanda lala which were injected with coloring agents in their body cavities. Closer investigation learned that they were not harmed at all by it. Now in the year 2004 science has gone one step further. After the genetic manipulated bull Herman and the sheep Dolly the first genetically manipulated pet. From SINGAPORE striped Zebra danio (Brachydanio rerio) that re manipulated so that they fluorescent red or green light are swimming in the laboratories of the "creator"Prof. Gong Zhiyuan in Singapore. Therefore he has inserted the gene of a sea-annemone that makes them fluorescent red. No need for me to write here that I am dead against these fishes.

SINGAPORE -- Zebrafish, which have been genetically modified to photogenic red and green, trail neon streaks as they swim in the laboratory of maker Gong Zhiyuan in Singapore. Gong hopes that the normally silvery fish will be a good ambassador for genetic engineering when they go on sale in the United States in January under the name GloFish. (12/12/03 AP photo)

Tropical zebra fish have been infused with the gene of a sea anemone that makes them glow fluorescent red. The GloFish are expected to hit the U.S. market on Jan. 5, but not if environmentalists opposed to transgenic species have their say.
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