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Voorgrondplanten in het architectonisch gezelschapsaquarium

Tapijt van Glossostigma elatinoides
. Nymphea lotus als voorgrondplanti
Marsilia drummond
aankomend drijfblad in Nymphea lotus
Glossostigma elatinoides na aanplant

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In the keurwijzer, the manual used by the NBAT-judge as a guidebook at judging, but that is a guidebook for the aquarist at his setting up a planted tank as well, one can read: "The planting has to be suitable for the room that is available, the ruling temperature, the intensity and quantity of the illumination, and the quality of the water". Foreground plants that remain naturally low and which don't need to be kept low by continuous shortening (topping) to prevent that one is forced to work frequently at the plants in the aquarium, are preferable. It benefits the peace in the aquarium.
Glossostigma elatinoides (water split pea): above left and right. Originates from Australia. At sufficient illumination it stays very low of itself. 2 cm at most. The picture on the left shows arias of Glossostigma that, apart from the normal care, can be leaven in peace for years. The picture above in the right shows Glossostigma rather short after the panting. That allows a look at the typical way of growing. A kind of creeping rootstock (rhizome) with on each little knot three little leafs of which one grows vertical into the bottom and serves as a kind of little root.
Growing conditions: a splash of light, temp: 22-26oc Ph 6.7 KH < 5

Marsilea drummondi (formerly. quadrifolia) or four leaved clover under in the mid. At insufficient illumination this plant will definitively grow to the surface in order to form floating leafs. That also depends on the species. For there exist a large number of strongly resembling species, that arduously can be distinguished by the normal aquarist. Growing conditions: a splash of light, temp: 22 - 28oC gentle and acid water. Nymphea lotus. Left at the bottom a red tigernymphea that, forced by a special treatment, has made underground offshoots on which a young Lotus has originated. This Nymphea keeps for a longer time modest proportions, which makes her suitable for the foreground. This special treatment consists of removing consequently the young leaves that show the inclination to grow to the surface in order to form there a floating leave. The plant, naturally adapted to reproduction, will under the ground form offshoots on which at a certain distance of the mother plant a young Lotus will spring of.
At the bottom on the right: The heart of a Lotus with a coming floating leaf. When a new leaf does not unroll at this height it will form a floating leaf. So it is time to remove it.
...Growing conditions: reasonable light. Neutral water, temp; 24 - 28 oC